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Re: repartitioning without destroying current partition

On Tue, 30 Sep 1997 17:15:52 -0400 (EDT), Sue Campbell wrote:

>Is it possible to repartition a drive without damaging the contents of
>an existing partition? I've heard that some other distributions have this
>capability and it is a shame that we have no mention of this in our
>installation instructions. We don't want other distributions to have
>a leg up on us in any aspect.
>I'm guessing that it's done using a program that smashes the contents
>of the partition to the beginning of that partition. I realize it's
>a bit risky, but using the current method, you destroy the contents

With FAT yes, you can even do it by hands if you know hat you are doing.
With ext2, I'm not sure. md linear is always available.
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