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Re: [X11] placement of binaries and menu config

> Thanks for the previous response to my queries. I have some more
> questions now. In my forthcoming package of VICE, there are three
> binaries which have this behaviour:
>   They need a terminal (there is some debugging output and you can
>   break out to a monitor which, without a terminal, hangs the wm).
>   They produce their own X windows (not xterms or rxvts).

Argh! That's a category I hadn't considered yet.

Best solution I can come up with is to add a new "needs" value,
so that you can do

?package(vice):needs="X11term" \

(oh, and please remove the "icon=none". It's redundant, and may cause
problems later. Only include "icon=" if you have an icon).

> My questions are:
>   Which executables should go into /usr/X11R6/bin and which should
>   not? FSSTND is not too helpful here.

In general, I think "if the executable can possible used without X,
it goes into /usr/bin, otherwise in /usr/X11R6/bin". As your apps
apparently need X11, I would expect them to live in /usr/X11R6/bin.

>   What should the menu entries look like?

What you have below probably is about as good as you can
get now. Adding the extra "needs" entry is basically no work for
me (as menu author/maintainer, I only need to change the documentation),
but every supporting window manager needs to get an extra
"supported" entry in it's /etc/menu-methods/wm file.

I do think there's no other way, though, than to add this extra needs
value, so you may as well start using it. Thus, for now I suggest:

?package(vice):needs="X11term" \
?package(vice):needs="X11" \
    command="xter -T \"Xpet\" -e /usr/bin/X11/xpet" \

and, unless other people come up with better ideas, I'll start asking
wm-maintainers to add this "needs=X11term" line.

(the above entry will use "needs=X11" for those wm's that don't have
needs=X11term "support" yet, and wil automatically switch to the
needs=X11term once they do.

> The VICE authors just install everything in /usr/bin. My current menu
> file includes:
> ?package(vice):command="xterm -T \"Xpet Console\" -e
> /usr/bin/X11/xpet" icon="none" needs="X11" section="Apps/Emulators"
> title="Xpet"

> Another question is: if VICE is distributed without proprietory ROMs,
> can it go into main (like apple2)?

If it can be used without them... (Sorry, I didn't follow the whole
emulator-copyright story. But it seems to me an emulator without
the ROMs is pretty useless, and thus should go into contrib. So I wonder
why apple2 is in main. Must have missed something).

joost witteveen, joostje@debian.org
#!/usr/bin/perl -sp0777i<X+d*lMLa^*lN%0]dsXx++lMlN/dsM0<j]dsj
$/=unpack('H*',$_);$_=`echo 16dio\U$k"SK$/SM$n\EsN0p[lN*1
#what's this? see http://www.dcs.ex.ac.uk/~aba/rsa/

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