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Re: [X11] placement of binaries and menu config

From: Giuliano Procida <gpp10@cus.cam.ac.uk>

>The VICE authors just install everything in /usr/bin. My current menu
>file includes:
>?package(vice):command="xterm -T \"Xpet Console\" -e
>/usr/bin/X11/xpet" icon="none" needs="X11" section="Apps/Emulators"
>which is broken from the point of view that users of rxvt will be

We already have 'editor' and 'pager' managed by update-alternatives,
and EDITOR, PAGER, 'sensible-editor' and 'sensible-pager'.  I think it
might be time to add 'xterminal', XTERMINAL and 'sensible-xterminal' to
cope with user preferences between the various xterm clones we have (or
will have).

AFAIK, there are: xterm, xvt, rxvt, kvt.  rxvt-xpm is somewhere around,
too (I don't know if it's packaged, though).  I think there's a CDE
clone out there too, which probably contains a dtterm clone.

Since there will probably be more situations similar to this, would we
be better to come up with a generalised mechanism?  I can't think quite
how this would work, but I expect someone else out there will be able
to.  Something that could subsume the editor and pager stuff we have at
the moment, and provide for other services, too.

A couple of things to consider:

- The programs providing the service are not necessarily command-line

- There may be a service where one program providing it runs in text
  mode, and another runs under X11 directly.  Should be some way to
  sort out which ones may be used, and which of those the user most
  wants to use.

I'd be interested in anyone else's thoughts on this.

--Charles Briscoe-Smith
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