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Re: Lists of Maintainers

Goswin Brederlow <goswin.brederlow@student.uni-tuebingen.de> writes:

> > So how do you know who's compiling what at the moment. AFAIK the recompiling
> > isn't all that controlled when it comes to compiling for other than the
> > maintainers arch(s).
> > 
> It only makes sens for very few package like kernel sourcen, bootdisk
> and other base and required packages, but maintainers should know if
> there is such a person.

If there is, the maintainer usually knows about it, and since it doesn't affect a
very large portion of the packages, I'd say it's rather irrelevant. Most likely
the maintainer knows who's doing it, if not, it shouldn't be too hard finding
out anyway. The argument you had for search for PPC would also become useless,
since you'd only get a tiny list of the packages, and statistically the chance
of you getting a name isn't very large. Appearantly this has been discussed before
as well, so I'll leave it at this.


| Stefan Berndtsson  | Stefan on IRC, hades.valhall.net |
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