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Re: Doing CVS based Package maintainence

>>"Jason" == Jason Gunthorpe <jgg@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca> writes:

Jason> If anything I would really like to see a simple HOW-TO included
Jason> with cvs-buildpackage, I never really thought the CVS doc's
Jason> covered these topics as well as they should have, they are
Jason> extremely usefull IMHO.

	Ask, and ye shall recieve.

Using CVS together with Debian GNU/Linux packages

This short document is only intended to give a short help in
converting packages to CVS management.  It is probably only
interesting for a few people who are not very familiar with CVS and
version management. Also, there is a script in /usr/doc/cvs-buildpackage
called cvs-pkginit (both the script and the man page are gzipped), which
will print out a synopsis of this HOWTO document. For example, to convert a
package foo, version bar1, Debian revision 3, try
% cvs-pkginit foo bar1 3
and look at the synopsis.

Oldenburg, 6/2/97                           Joey (joey@debian.org)
                                            / Martin Schulze   /

$Id: HOWTO,v 1.4 1997/08/21 19:42:31 srivasta Exp $

1. Set up CVS

   $ CVSROOT=/where/your/repository/will/be
   $ export CVSROOT
   $ cvs init
   $ mkdir $CVSROOT/debian

   If more than one person is supposed to use CVS, you have to makes
   sure they can actually modify the repository using CVS.  Choose a
   group (or a set of groups) that have access to a part of the
   repository, and set the permissions:

   # chgrp <archive> $CVSROOT/debian
   # chmod g+ws    $CVSROOT/debian

   This makes sure that members of the archive group are allowed to
   configure the repository.  Now you have to make sure that the
   correct groups of people are able to modify parts of the

   # mkdir $CVSROOT/debian/<package1>
   # chgrp <group1> $CVSROOT/debian/<package1>
   # chmod g+ws     $CVSROOT/debian/<package1>
   # mkdir $CVSROOT/debian/<package2>
   # chgrp <group2> $CVSROOT/debian/<package2>
   # chmod g+ws     $CVSROOT/debian/<package2>

   As a normal user you should also make your CVS repository public,
   either by using "-d /where/your/repository/will/be" or by putting
   such a fragment into your profile.

   $ CVSROOT=/where/your/repository/will/be
   $ export CVSROOT

2. Use Modules

   # cvs checkout CVSROOT
   # cd CVSROOT
   # vi modules

   Add the following lines, the first is essential, the second can be
   duplicated and is self-explanatory:

   modules   CVSROOT modules
   <package> debian/package

   # cvs commit -m 'Define first modules'

3. Prepare to use CVS

   Insert your source tree with the following commands (assuming you
   already have debianized it, and there is on orig.tar.gz file). Note
   that the upstream sources are imported with a -ko (take care of
   binary files), but not local changes we make.

   $ cd /where/your/source/tree/resides/
   $ tar zvvfx <package>_<version>.orig.tar.gz
   $ cd <package>_<version>.orig
   $ cvs import -ko -m 'Import of bare source' \
       debian/<package> source-dist upstream_version_<version|tr . _>

   You may change the branch tag source-dist to whatever you
   wish. (The cvs-buildpackage maintainer habitually uses the tag
   upstream (which is a study in redundancy ;-).

   If you have set up CVS as root, and have not set group writability,
   you need to create $CVSROOT/debian/<package> as root and change the
   group or user ownership in the repository to the particular group
   or user respectively.  The CVS import will print one warning that
   it cannot create the debian/<package> directory, but that's ok.

   The next step is to check out the whole tree and incorporate all of
   your changes.

   $ cd /where/your/source/tree/will/reside
   $ cvs checkout <package>

   If you have already created a debianized version but haven't used
   CVS before you might want to run the following commands to
   incorporate your changes. After that you should tag that release to
   be able to check it out sometimes later.

   $ cd /where/your/source/tree/resides/<package>-<version>
   $ diff -qrBbw . /where/your/source/tree/will/reside/<package>/ | grep -v CVS
   $ FILES_CHANGED_LOCALLY="<output from above>"
   $ tar cf - $FILES_CHANGED_LOCALLY | \
       tar -C /where/your/source/tree/will/reside/<package> -xvpf -
   $ cd /where/your/source/tree/will/reside/<package>

   Please make sure that the file debian/rules is executable,
   since this way it shall be executable when exported, and there wll
   be no problems running dgpk-buildpackage on the exported
   sources. In general, make sure *all* files have the right
   permission before you add them to the CVS repository.

   $ cd /where/your/source/tree/will/reside/<package>
   $ cvs add debian <any other files added as well>

   Also, please note that you have to add all additional files manually
   which should be placed in the repository, expecially all files in
   the debian subdirectory. Also, please note that the cvs add command
   does NOT work recursively, so you shall have to manually add
   whatever subdirectories you have. (cd debian; cvs add *)

   A nice thing is that running cvs update will show you the status of
   all files in the directory

   $ cd /where/your/source/tree/will/reside/<package>
   $ cvs update

   The output looks like:
       cvs update: Updating .
       M Makefile
       cvs update: Updating debian
       A rules
       ? example1
   M means modified (has to be commited), A means Added (has to be
   commited), ? means CVS does not know about the file (needs to be
   added, maybe?). When you are satisfied that nothing has been
   missed, and all files have the required permissions, you are ready
   to commit.

   $ cd /where/your/source/tree/will/reside/<package>
   $ cvs commit -m 'Made all debian changes'
   $ cvs tag debian_version_<version|tr . _>-<debian-version> .

   The new source tree will reside in a directory that doesn't contain
   the version number.  This is no problem as we'll see later.

   If instead you are creating the debian directory from scratch (may
   be simpler, though less automated)

   $ mkdir debian

   Create all needed debian files and add them into source control.

   $ cvs add debian
   $ cd debian
   $ cvs add *

   After that the next check in will include all your files.

   $ cd /where/your/source/tree/will/reside/<package>
   $ cvs commit -m <some message>

4. Remove the source tree

   To remove the actual working source tree you are advised not to use
   rm -rf but use the CVS command that also tests if you have made any
   local changes that are not committed yet.

   $ cd /where/your/source/tree/will/reside/
   $ cvs release -d <package> <package>

5. Remove or rename a file

   The normal way to move a file is to copy OLD to NEW, and then issue
   the normal CVS commands to remove OLD from the repository, and add
   NEW to it.  (Both OLD and NEW could contain relative paths, for
   example `foo/bar.c').

   $ mv OLD NEW
   $ cvs remove OLD
   $ cvs add NEW
   $ cvs commit -m "Renamed OLD to NEW" OLD NEW

   This is the simplest way to move a file, it is not error-prone, and
   it preserves the history of what was done.  Note that to access the
   history of the file you must specify the old or the new name,
   depending on what portion of the history you are accessing.  For
   example, `cvs log OLD' will give the log up until the time of the

6. Updating a module with the import command

   When a new release of the source arrives, you import it into the
   repository with the same `import' command that you used to set up
   the repository in the first place.  The only difference is that you
   specify a different release tag this time, and a different message.

   $ cd /where/your/source/tree/will/reside/<new source directory>
   $ cvs import -m 'Import new release <package> source-dist \
         upstream_version_<version|tr . _>

   Now, we have to incorporate the changes we made into the new
   revision. The best way to do this is to move aside our working copy
   (based on the older upstream source), and check out a new copy of
   the package *incorporating* the changes made in the upstream
   source. This is how to do it:

   $ cd /where/your/source/tree/will/reside
   $ mv <package> <package>.old
   $ cvs checkout -jsource-dist:yesterday -jsource-dist <package>
   $ cd /where/your/source/tree/will/reside/<package>

   The above command will check out the latest revision of <package>,
   merging the changes made on the vendor branch `source-dist' since
   yesterday into the working copy.  If any conflicts arise during the
   merge they should be resolved in the normal way.  Then, the
   modified files may be committed.

   Using a date, as suggested above, assumes that you do not import
   more than one release of a product per day. If you do, you can
   always use something like this instead:

   $ cvs checkout -jupstream_version_<oldversion|tr . _> \
                  -jupstream_version_<newversion|tr . _> <package>

   In this case, the two above commands are equivalent.

   For files that have not been modified locally, the newly created
   revision becomes the head revision.  

   So, check and see if all the files have been correctly
   updated. Espescially, remember to change the debian/changelog file!

   When you are satisfied, you may remove the old version of the
   working directory. Be very sure you are removing the right
   $ rm -rf ../<package>.old

   Now you are ready to prepare a release.

7. Prepare a release

   Before you can run some of the Debian commands that will build a
   package you have to check out the module without all the CVS
   subdirectories.  This is done with the `export' command.  But first
   of all you need to check in all your modifications and mark it with
   a release number. 

   $ cvs commit -m <message>
   $ cvs tag debian_version_<version|tr . _>-<debian-version>

8. Make a release

   You could either use the cvs-buildpackage mechanism (preferred), or
   an manual export. First test the cvs-buildpackage stuff as a dry
   run (make sure that the tags match) like so (Should have configured

   $ cvs-buildpackage -d -n -rsudo

   Then do the real run with, expecting sudo being a program with
   which you could gain root access.

   $ cvs-buildpackage -rsudo

   Or, to do it all manually:

   Check out the package.

   $ cvs export -d <package>-<version> \
         -r debian_version_<version|tr . _>-<debian-version> \

   Now you can go on with the normal release export mechanism.

9. Glossary

   Tags		symbolic names for revisions
   Repository	Archive of source files

 What're you doing in a place like this?
Manoj Srivastava               <url:mailto:srivasta@acm.org>
Mobile, Alabama USA            <url:http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>

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