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Re: Diety UI draft

Philip Hands <phil@hands.com> writes:

>   Mirror picks up packages that I never use --- timidity-patches
>   (10MB) for example, costs me an absolute minimum of 25p (about
>   $0.40) assuming I get 7k/s out of my ISDN (optimistic), it
>   normally costs double or more than this, and I've never even
>   installed it.

Actually I read what I said before, and I realized that it made me
look like I'm not aware of (or sensitive to) the people who have to
pay more for their connectivity.  I am aware of them, and I do think
we should keep that in mind when we're working on tools.  One of the
best things might be if we eventually automate source builds (which
people are discussing now), and then make it possible to use a mirror
tool that migrates diffs.  Then you just wouldn't mirror the .deb
files, and except when the upstream tar files change, all you'd ever
pull down would be the .dsc and .diff files (ideally anyway).

(You probably already know this, but...) One thing to do to help with
the "picks up packages I never use" issue is to use exclude_patt's
judiciously.  You could even run "mirror -n" to generate a list of
what it's about to get, and then add new packages you don't want to
the exclude_patts before you ever download them the first time.  I do
that to exclude things like the duplicate set of base disks I don't
need, X-servers I don't use, etc.

> 500MB ?  I've managed to fill a 850MB partition, and I don't mirror
> source or bo-updates.

Hmm.  Mine's 570, but I only get source for non-US. The rest are
binary-i386 only.  If you want to see my mirror file, let me know.


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