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Re: source dependencies

Juergen Menden wrote:
> Andreas Jellinghaus <aj@dungeon.inka.de> wrote:
> >
> > we should implement source dependencies as soon as possible.
> oh, no, not again...
> sorry i'm a bit late on this invocation of the subject so i
> don't really know the state of the discussion. please be
> patient with me... :-)
> please, everyone should remember that this can _always_and_ever_
> _only_ be an incomplete list of what tools might get used during
> compilation.

The basesystem would be there. Thats where most stuff for configure
would reside.
> is there really somewhere around who is truely sure what tools
> autoconf-created configure scripts call? if there are: has anyone
> ever tried to find all programs Configure-scripts (like the one
> used in the perl package) uses? Or the poor X11 maintainer who
> would have to check thousands of lines of recursive makefiles to
> find all the tools used, and even which tools are used by programs
> build at earlier stages during compilation. apart from gcc, which
> depends on gcc :-)

The maintainer puts in as many as he know, and if somebody finds one
missing he fills a bug report. At the start it would probably give many
many bugreports (one should state that they should be maintonly for some
time), but with a little time all dependencies would be sorted out by
itself. If nobody sees that package X is missing, then package X seems
to be so common that EVERYONE compiling the source had it installed so
far (which is only true for the basesystem and a c compiler).

> ok, so far the bad news. now, since aparently some people
> seem to suffer from this deficiency, a compromise: would
> those people, who have such problems, would be satisfied with
> a few lines in debian/readme where only those of the "unusual"
> tools are listed, which the maintainer found interesting, but
> _without_trying_to_be_complete_?

Put these tools into the dependencies, and if people find more they can
fill a maintonly bug. Everything will sort out eventually and nobody has
too much work.

May the source be with you.

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