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Re: source dependencies

On Sun, 27 Jul 1997, Goswin Brederlow wrote:
> The maintainer puts in as many as he know, and if somebody finds one
> missing he fills a bug report. At the start it would probably give many
> many bugreports (one should state that they should be maintonly for some
> time),

a good way to establish some probably useful hints. 

> If nobody sees that package X is missing, then package X seems
> to be so common that EVERYONE compiling the source had it installed so
> far (which is only true for the basesystem and a c compiler).

this is a quality issue. just dont go and tell the people
that this list is _complete_. you do not know, and you will
never know.

make it clear that these are hints. it might get really useful
if we find a good approximation to the complete list. just don't
go and tell it is complete.

how about
   dependency-hints: ...
   suggested: ...


Juergen Menden             
at work: menden@informatik.tu-muenchen.de  tel: +49 (89) 289 - 22387  
private: menden@morgana.camelot.de         tel: +49 (89) 89 712 743

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