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Re: source dependencies

Andreas Jellinghaus <aj@dungeon.inka.de> wrote:
> we should implement source dependencies as soon as possible.

oh, no, not again...

sorry i'm a bit late on this invocation of the subject so i 
don't really know the state of the discussion. please be 
patient with me... :-)

please, everyone should remember that this can _always_and_ever_
_only_ be an incomplete list of what tools might get used during

is there really somewhere around who is truely sure what tools
autoconf-created configure scripts call? if there are: has anyone
ever tried to find all programs Configure-scripts (like the one
used in the perl package) uses? Or the poor X11 maintainer who
would have to check thousands of lines of recursive makefiles to 
find all the tools used, and even which tools are used by programs
build at earlier stages during compilation. apart from gcc, which
depends on gcc :-)

this is an _impossible_ task. i don't mean its uncomfortable,
which it is, i mean this is really impossible (at least within 
polynomial time, said the theoretican).

ok, so far the bad news. now, since aparently some people
seem to suffer from this deficiency, a compromise: would
those people, who have such problems, would be satisfied with
a few lines in debian/readme where only those of the "unusual"
tools are listed, which the maintainer found interesting, but 

> todo (in this order)

sounds nice. the only problem is: how do you decide which
packages are needed for compilation?

> it's not hard work, but it's work. 

said IBM and spent a few million dollars in trying to solve
the termination-problem. ROTFL :-)


BTW: who are the people which have such a problem? i've
worked for some time in the very early stages of the m68k port
and i never had any real problem with this.

Juergen Menden             
at work: menden@informatik.tu-muenchen.de  tel: +49 (89) 289 - 22387  
private: menden@morgana.camelot.de         tel: +49 (89) 89 712 743

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