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Re: non-free/contrib policy

> > Personally, I think it's a bit self-centered thinking of the
> > US-debianers to exportability from the US such a central issue
> > in determining wheter something can go into main or not. It'd
> > be much better to have a "Main" archive that includes the non-us
> > stuff, and provide an easy method for mirror administrators
> > to "ln -s export-restriction-README $filename" the files that
> > cannot be exported from that local mirror. That way, if the 
> > Dutch gouverment is going to prohibit exportation of compilers,
> > and the French gouverment prohibits exportation of editors[1], 
> > we will be ready[2] for that.
> Well said.
> The only problem is that I cannot see how to easily assemble the full 
> distribution (i.e. US + non-US) with a couple of simple mirror configurations.

Well, at te moment it are apparently only 10 pacakges that are excluded
by the US government. So, for the US sites, just an


would do it, I think (untested!).

But it'll be best to have a file in the archive somewhere "exclude-us",
and add an option "exclude_pat_file" to mirror that will read the
file (to be mirrored before the main stuff), and then list the
up-to-date exclude pattern in that "exclude-us" (or "exclude-netherlands",
when/if the Dutch are going to prohibit exportation of editors).

(and, that file can then be used to create symlinks after the mirror
was ran).

> So we would need to add these directories to both master and dresden archives:
>   bo/binary-*/non-us
>   bo/source/non-us
>   contrib/binary-*/non-us
>   contrib/source/non-us
>   non-free/binary-*/non-us
>   non-free/source/non-us
>   hamm/hamm/binary-*/non-us
>   hamm/hamm/source/non-us
>   hamm/contrib/binary-*/non-us
>   hamm/contrib/source/non-us
>   hamm/non-free/binary-*/non-us
>   hamm/non-free/source/non-us
> On the US, sites these directories would contain a README, but in dresden they 
> would be populated by non-us maintainers uploading their packages.

At the moment this is a very good alternative. But still, it more-or
less criples the view of our tree for non-us citisens. Why cannot
I have bzip in /bo/source/utils/bzip, where it belongs? It's only
because the US (may) have strange copyright/patent laws, that the
us people want it in .../non-us. Same with ssl stuff[1].

And, what if the Dutch are indeed going to prohibit exportation
of compilers, would we add a directory bo/../non-dutch, and tell
all the US people "if you want gcc, no, it's not in /bo/.../devel,
it's in /bo/.../non-dutch"? I know the example is very strange, 
but think about it: It is _excactly_ what the US people are now
telling me about the crypto stuff.

[1] Not sure about the copyright of ssl, but I thought it was 
    "Debian Free".

joost witteveen, joostje@debian.org
#!/usr/bin/perl -sp0777i<X+d*lMLa^*lN%0]dsXx++lMlN/dsM0<j]dsj
$/=unpack('H*',$_);$_=`echo 16dio\U$k"SK$/SM$n\EsN0p[lN*1
#what's this? see http://www.dcs.ex.ac.uk/~aba/rsa/

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