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Re: non-free/contrib policy

> Personally, I think it's a bit self-centered thinking of the
> US-debianers to exportability from the US such a central issue
> in determining wheter something can go into main or not. It'd
> be much better to have a "Main" archive that includes the non-us
> stuff, and provide an easy method for mirror administrators
> to "ln -s export-restriction-README $filename" the files that
> cannot be exported from that local mirror. That way, if the 
> Dutch gouverment is going to prohibit exportation of compilers,
> and the French gouverment prohibits exportation of editors[1], 
> we will be ready[2] for that.

Well said.

The only problem is that I cannot see how to easily assemble the full 
distribution (i.e. US + non-US) with a couple of simple mirror configurations.

It is fairly simple to set up something that excludes all directories called 
'non-us' from ftp.debian.org, and then pick up only directories called non-us 
from one of the free-world sites, so we should structure the archive to allow 

How about if ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de did this merge, then sites like 
sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk could be encouraged to mirror from there, and so publish 
the complete version of Debian (i.e. the uncensored version with all the 
non-us packages included).

So we would need to add these directories to both master and dresden archives:


On the US, sites these directories would contain a README, but in dresden they 
would be populated by non-us maintainers uploading their packages.

Cheers, Phil.

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