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Re: non-free/contrib policy

On Sat, 19 Jul 1997, joost witteveen wrote:

> Well, at te moment it are apparently only 10 pacakges that are excluded
> by the US government. So, for the US sites, just an
>   exclude_patt=^(bzip|ssh|pgp-us|pgp-i|cfs|ssleay|ssltelnet|rsaref)[_,\.]

bzip and rsaref cannot be used in the US for patent reasons. That's
totally different from the others which can be used in the US, just not
exported from there.

A US mirror might allow US citizens and not non-US people to download the
export restricted programs, and allow the complement of those to download
the patented programs.

Is there a particular reason why they should be grouped together? 

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