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Re: leap second

In article <[🔎] 6ZDgv9zzcsB@khms.westfalen.de>,
	kai@khms.westfalen.de (Kai Henningsen) writes:

> Consider a system using "real" time. On June 31, its idea of time would be  
> wrong until the next software upgrade.

No. Using real time, the system clock increments normally, and correctly
measures the time since the epoch. The conversion from system time to local
time changes every time there is a leap second.

> Then, all time stamps would suddenly change by one second (possibly
> causing FTP server remirroring and other unpleasant effects).

No, because they are based on the system time which is consistent. This
would be a good thing.

As it is, we use POSIX time, which means that the system time follows GMT.
When there is a leap second the time itself is changed; the timezone
information does not need to.

> This is completely unacceptable. OS time must be predictable.

Which is why real time would be much better than POSIX time.

Unfortunately we have to use POSIX time, so we're compatible with other
computers on the network :(

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