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Re: leap second

bruce@pixar.com (Bruce Perens)  wrote on 18.06.97 in <[🔎] m0weQ0r-00IrYAC@golem.pixar.com>:

> The time is out of joint, o 'cursed spite.
> The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology will set it right
> on June 30, at one second before midnight UTC, by adding a leap second.
> Systems that run on POSIX time will ignore this. The effect is that they
> will consider the difference between the epoch and now to be 22 seconds
> less than it really is.

We already had this debate. For an OS, the POSIX time is the only  
reasonable choice.

Consider a system using "real" time. On June 31, its idea of time would be  
wrong until the next software upgrade. Then, all time stamps would  
suddenly change by one second (possibly causing FTP server remirroring and  
other unpleasant effects).

This is completely unacceptable. OS time must be predictable.

MfG Kai

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