Re: GOAL: Consistent Keyboard Configuration
On May 24, Christian Schwarz wrote
> I just read the excellent article "Consisten Keyboard Configuration" by
> John F. Bunch in the Linux Journal, issue #38.
One of the things I missed in that article was how to get the console and X
to use the same composite definitions.
On my system, I've made the console keymap VIM-Compatible(R); see Bug #9782.
I'd love to see /etc/init.d/boot support multiple keytables
(e.g. "cat | loadkeys"); this way I could have the
composite definition separate from the underlying keyboard.
Does anyone know how to get X to use the same composite definitions as the
console is using?
J.H.M. Dassen | RUMOUR Believe all you hear. Your world may | not be a better one than the one the blocks
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