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Re: GOAL: Consistent Keyboard Configuration

On 24 May 1997, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

> Hi,
> >>"Karl" == Karl M Hegbloom <karlheg@inetarena.com> writes:
> Karl> The newest XEmacs, 20.2 (compiled here w/o MULE), works fine for
> Karl> me, in that the backspace key deletes to the left, and delete
> Karl> sucks characters from the right, as you would expect after using
> Karl> a DOS/Windows PC.  I used `xkeycaps` to ensure that
> Karl> [<-Backspace] sends ^H, and [Delete] sends ^?.  I haven't had to
> Karl> load any special libraries to make it work like this, though in
> Karl> my site-start.el, I have:
> Karl> (define-key global-map '(control h) 'backward-delete-char)
> Karl> .... since [F1] works just fine for a help key. :-)
> 	See, I think this is buggy. I have been using Emacs for nearly
>  a decade now, and nobody takes my C-H default away from me (in other
>  words, people have had exposure to applications like emacs on other
>  Unix platforms (and other distributions of Linux), and they should
>  not have to change their expectations of finding help on C-H just
>  because they run Debian)

Perhaps we can make an exception for stupid emacs (yes, I use it too :-) 

I just had a look at the article again and it seams as the author silently
overrides ^H to behave like Backspace :-) 

Anyways, I don't want to mess around with different meanings of
the Backspace/Delete keys all the time just because the author of Emacs
did this mistake!

Let me summarize (and please correct me if I'm wrong):

1) everyone agrees that "Backspace" (the "<--" key) should delete to the
2) that "Delete" (the "del" key, or "Entf" for germans :-) should delete
   the key the cursor is standing on
3) ^H (that is Ctrl-H) should act like "Backspace"
4) except within emacs, where ^H should bring up the online help


Does someone know if this is possible? If not, I suggest to drop rule 4).
Anyways, I'm talking about the "default kbd configuration" of a Debian
system. Everyone is free to override this with his own meaning of some

For example, we could ask the user at installation time of the emacs
package, whether he/she wants to

  a) ^H _and_ Backspace to bring up the help screen 
  b) ^H _and_ Backspace delete the character to the left

Of course, some workaround we be good.

> 	Change thingslike this around, and see another jihad erupt ;-)

Hey, I'm not going to give up that early! 

BTW, I not talking about implementing the keyboard configuration as 
described in the LJ article. However, the article is good to understand
the concepts of key translation in a Linux system and the problems that
arrise with it.




--                 Christian Schwarz
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