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question about package building

1.  When I run deb-make, it creates a debian/control file with the
field Architecture set to "any".  I have edited this to reflect the 
architecture on which I'm building the package.  But I notice that
only a few of the other debian source packages I've looked at have
an Architecture field set to anything but "any".  Now, I realize
that packages which are basically scripts might reasonably be
set to "any", but I don't understand why so many packages with 
compiled programs should be set to "any", since I doubt that many
of them were actually built with cross-compilers.  What's going on here?

2.  In the [good, old] days, I used to run 
   dpkg --print-architecture 
in order to assure that the architecutre for a package was set correctly.
Why doesn't deb-make do this too?

Susan Kleinmann

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