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Looking for volunteer to build packages for non-US.

I've got a number of packages built locally that rely on encryption of
one form or another (kerberos4, kerberos5, discuss, zephyr, olc,
etc.).  If provided with the .dsc and .diff.gz files, and pointed to a
non-US site for the original sources, would someone be willing to
build these outside of the United States for upload to the non-US ftp
site?  I'm assuming that since no ITAR/EAR-affected code is being
exported, no violation of the regulations can be said to occur.

Alternately, has anyone yet researched the application of ITAR/EAR
regulations as they apply to the use of shared libraries?  If I were
to generate a set of stub (no encryption) shared libraries for
kerberos4 and kerberos5, would it be possible to upload packages that
depend on kerberos libraries to master.debian.org (leaving only
kerberos4 and kerberos5 on the non-US site), or does the ability of a
program to dynamically link to a libkrb5 that does contain encryption
automatically cause that program to be in violation?

I ask in particular because I think olc (a consulting help-desk system
developed by MIT Project Athena) could possibly be useful to the
proposed Debian help desk, and I'd like to make the package available
for evaluation.

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