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Re: Is there a method of changing the name of a conffile?

> It is impossible to change the name of a conffile and keep all of the
> features of a conffile.

Depends on what you mean by "name".

It's possible, in principle, to associate with a conffile some arbitrary
string of bits (say, 256 random bits assigned at package creation
time) and to specify that all files with that bit string are that conffile.

This requires that dpkg have a sorted list of these "names" and it
has to check any file, each time it would be subject to modification by
dpkg.  And, you have to figure out how to associate the bit string with
the conffile (e.g. embed it as a delimited hexidecimal string in a
comment near the begining of the file).

But the point is: these "names" would have nothing to do with the
usual concept of file name, directory name, inode, etc.


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