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Re: The return of RMS and GNU/Linux

>>>>> "Bruce" == Bruce Perens <bruce@pixar.com> writes:

Bruce> Please feel free to edit all mentions of "lignuix" or whatever
Bruce> he calls it to "linux" and have these changes appear in the
Bruce> .diff file for your package. We will continue to feed bug fixes
Bruce> back to the upstream maintainers.  This has always been our
Bruce> policy.

Bruce> The best way to deal with something
Bruce> this crazy is to _ignore_ it, not fight about it.

I'm writing this message with Emacs 19.31.  Emacs has more code in it
than the Linux kernel.  I compiled Emacs with gcc, which also has more
code in it than the Linux kernel.  Even if this issue was about RMS's
accomplishments, which it isn't, I wouldn't do something so mean-spirited
as to edit out `lignux' of an official distribution -- anymore than
I would to add `lignux' to Linux patches.

`lignux' as a configuration alias communicates information.  Supposing
there were a Linux based system that did not use GNU code, then
`linux' would differentiate.  But, see, there isn't. 

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