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Bug#2831: timezone conffiles vs. postinst

Hi David,
david@eos.lugs.ch (David Frey)  wrote on 28.04.96 in <[🔎] m0uDdi5-000AHlC@eos>:

> Hello Kai,

Kai>> > city name. Otherwise, the user is put to the intellectual test of
Kai>> > matching the cities in the list to their time zone.
Kai>> We've been over this before. Only in very few places on the earth (the
Kai>> US is one of them) are time zone names common knowledge.

> I beg to differ. Especially since the introduction of the daylight saving
> time the people know very well their timezone (OK, in Europe its easy:
> you can almost always say MET).

We've had daylight saving time for as long as I remember, and most people
still have no idea what their time zone is named - why on earth should

Nobody tells them. Times usually do not carry a time zone specifier.


As to the name, surely you meant MEZ, and MESZ for daylight saving?

Or was that CET?

Or ...


I never heard of MET until I got seriously involved with email. Then it
was one of the time zones buggy mailers inserted in the headers. (Please,
people, use +0100/+0200 instead!)

My atlas has a time zone map. It doesn't have a short name for any of
them, except MEZ. The 25 volume encyclopedia is similar, except it
mentions German versions for UT (WZ) and GMT (MWZ? WMZ? Heck, I've
forgotten again already, only a minute later) that I've never seen anybody

People are just not interested in time zone names. Most people will never
have a use for them in all their life.

MfG Kai

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