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Bug#2831: timezone conffiles vs. postinst

bruce@beagle.pixar.com (Bruce Perens)  wrote on 27.04.96 in <[🔎] 199604272011.NAA06612@beagle.pixar.com>:

> city name. Otherwise, the user is put to the intellectual test of
> matching the cities in the list to their time zone.

We've been over this before. Only in very few places on the earth (the US
is one of them) are time zone names common knowledge. In most areas,
asking random people the name of their time zone will usually draw blank
stares. (And what is the correct time zone name over here, for example?
I've seen at least three or four different versions, not counting daylight
saving time.)

On the other hand, in most areas (including most areas of the US) the
timezone is the same all over a major local political unit, and most
people will know the capital of that political unit, so listing this will
usually work.

MfG Kai

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