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Bug#2831: timezone conffiles vs. postinst

>I never heard of MET until I got seriously involved with email. Then it
>was one of the time zones buggy mailers inserted in the headers. (Please,
>people, use +0100/+0200 instead!)
>My atlas has a time zone map. It doesn't have a short name for any of
>them, except MEZ. The 25 volume encyclopedia is similar, except it
>mentions German versions for UT (WZ) and GMT (MWZ? WMZ? Heck, I've
>forgotten again already, only a minute later) that I've never seen anybody
>People are just not interested in time zone names. Most people will never
>have a use for them in all their life.

Why are we still discussing this?  Is there anything wrong with
putting both the cities and time zones in the zoneinfo stuff?  US
people seem to prefer zone names, others seem to prefer cities, and
the zoneinfo stuff can handle either just fine...

Richard W Kaszeta 			Graduate Student/Sysadmin
bofh@bofh.me.umn.edu			University of MN, ME Dept
Wake up and smell the Kafka.

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