Re: Suggestions for home page
> > [repeats someone's earlier suggestion for a debian user local home page]
> This has been done, there is a default web page on my computer now.
I don't follow that "this has been done". Do you mean that I should
now have a default debain user home page on my recently-installed
0.93R6 system? If so, where is it?
> But the web browsers (well, lynx at least) ask you what you want the
> default to be. Perhaps it would be nice to have
> 1) Use the default web page URL on this system.
> 2) Enter another default web page URL.
Yes. Lynx, for example, prompts on installation:
Please enter Lynx's default URL to use if none is given
Default is
That's not terribly useful for a user who hasn't set anything up
locally and has a system which is not net-connected.
I'd like to see a debian-provided local home page be the install-time
setup default, possibly with the user able to override that by providing
an alternate (or perhaps alternative ;-) filename.
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