Re: Suggestions for home page
> > > [repeats someone's earlier suggestion for a debian user local home page]
> > This has been done, there is a default web page on my computer now.
> I don't follow that "this has been done". Do you mean that I should
> now have a default debain user home page on my recently-installed
> 0.93R6 system? If so, where is it?
cern-httpd asks (or at least it asked me) if you want to setup a web
page, location, etc. It asks the path and stuff. One needs to have a
httpd server installed to have a normal local web page. The
alternative is just a html file that is called as the argument to a
web browser:
lynx /usr/local/lib/html/startup.html
as opposed to one with httpd:
(opens http://localhost/startup.html)
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