Re: Suggestions for home page
> I thought the baby gnu was cute, but didn't think it belonged
> there as the main graphic, and didn't see the tie-in with
> home page -- and possibly to others. The user could modify this
> post-install, of course. Seems like this would be easy to implement,
> and seemed to make a lot of sense I liked the suggestion.
This has been done, there is a default web page on my computer now.
But the web browsers (well, lynx at least) ask you what you want the
default to be. Perhaps it would be nice to have
1) Use the default web page URL on this system.
2) Enter another default web page URL.
> Incidentally, the reason I installed lynx was to try satan (satan
> wants to be run from a web browser -- at least that's how I understand
> it). I got both lynx and satan up, but haven't been able to make
> satan do anything useful. It's unable to "Select Target System",
> and apparently needs graphic access to its "control panel" (not
> available in text-mode lynx). I'm a web novice, so I could be
> misunderstanding all of this -- I haven't spent much time trying to
> figure it out.
It really needs Netscape to run well. BTW, I've run satan on our sun
and directed it towards the 3 Debian GNU/Linux boxes we have, and it
could not find any problems with them. So it seems that most
well-known holes are covered. :)
P.S. Of course nobody should believe this means Debian GNU/Linux
machines are secure, there are still security holes out there. The
most recent ones I've seen discussed are lpr and /proc holes.
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