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Re: Debian Games Team website

Hi Andreas!
I just made an account at Alioth and requested to join the team.

As Markus said on an other message I contacted him privately and
he advised me to send a message for everyone, introducing myself
and stuff. So...

...Hello there, Games Team!
I'd like to join you, mostly for helping with web sites and graphical

I have a strong interest on games, free software, Linux in general
and game development - although lately I spend more time programming
games than playing them. :(

I'm particularly interested on games for the terminal.
I do not mean textual adventures like Zork or Planetfall, but action-
oriented ncurses games like Curse of War, pacman4console, Alienwave and
If I may have a little space for promoting myself, I developed a few
takes on ncurses games, like nsnake, nFlood and yetris[0].

I've used Debian for years and, even though my personal machine has
Arch  Linux, I admire a lot the works of the Debian community and how
big it is.
My work machine's on Debian sid, so at least I'm not _that_ much of
a sinner :)

My goals on the team are mostly on the "marketing side".
One step at a time (and long-term) my plans are:

* Improving the Games Team homepage
  - Modernize its looks
  - Make it more appealing to first-time users
  - Make it contain more information on the games
* Maintain games on Debian
  - Provide screenshots
  - Update ancient packages
    . Refresh metadata on 'debian/control'
    . Contact upstreams that apparently
      abandoned their projects
    . Bring ancient codebases to VCSs
    . Make Homepages for games that don't
      have one
* Improve visibility of games on the terminal
  - Make a neat page showcasing all terminal
    games on Debian
  - Incentive people to try them
  - Bring more of those gems to the official

In the end, I'd be happy if I could attract more people to contribute
to the games team.

Alexandre Dantas

[0]: http://alexdantas.net/projects/

On 08/18/2014 03:38 PM, Andreas Tille wrote:> Hi Alexandre,
> On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 09:59:51AM -0300, Alexandre Dantas wrote:
>> I'm glad you enjoyed it!
> :-)
>> I was also thinking of improving the blends website, but didn't know
>> how to do it. Making a homepage for the Games team seemed like a
>> good start but, as other have pointed out, there might be duplicated
>> information between them.
>> So I'll help Markus in any way I can, to make the Blends pages more
>> presentable; and possibly including more functionality no the back-end.
>> I'd love to tweak the graphics a little bit too!
>> I'll just have to figure out how could I actually make those changes.
>> As you said on another message, should I get a local UDD with
>> the blends repository and make experiments locally?
> That's the most efficient way.
>> Since I'm not part of the team, I guess my changes will need to be
>> evaluated first. So, how could I show my attempts to you guys for
>> evaluation? Should I forward them here, with my copy of the Git
>> repository?
> I have no problem if you push to Blends Git.  I would check this and
> only update blends.debian.org if it works.  To get commit permissions
> you need a login at alioth.debian.org and I'll add you to the team.
> You can also get a login at blends.debian.net.  Just send me your
> prefered login name and a sshkey in private mail.
>> Also, I'll work something out based on the Debian homepage colors
>> and fonts. At least it should have the logo and some pointers to
>> Debian as a whole.
> +1
> Kind regards
>      Andreas.

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