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Re: Task "main" for Debian Games

On 25.02.2014 10:17, Vincent Cheng wrote:

> I hope that didn't come out too harsh; I don't mean to belittle your
> efforts or the efforts of the kfreebsd porters, but I only have this
> much free time on my hands to work on Debian, and my priorities are
> different. That's all. Sorry if that wasn't the feedback you wanted to
> hear. :(

No worries. :) I was talking about feedback, that can be positive or
negative. There is no need to tell me what I want to hear.

However when I presented my agenda for the last team meeting [1] and
later while we were discussing this at the meeting [2], I wasn't the
only one who thought that having a small and doable release goal for
Jessie would be a good idea.

The whole point was to make a team effort and to create an opportunity
to do something together. Of course I was prepared to do a lot of the
work myself, especially filing bug reports, although other team members
had volunteered to help with this task, too.

Unfortunately now we have reached a point where this team goal is
perceived as my goal, so it's time to speak about things bluntly.

> With regards to the release goal for Jessie, if you're talking about
> "ship a menu file in every games team package for jessie", to be
> honest, I don't think a lot of people in the team feel concerned about
> that particular goal, judging by mailing list / IRC history. I've
> mentioned this already on IRC; I think that the Debian menu system
> should be deprecated and everyone should just conform with the FDO
> desktop menu spec (it's a cross-distro standard that's likely to stick
> around for a long time). 

The current situation is that almost all packages maintained by the
Debian Games Team already ship menu files. So it should neither be a
controversial issue nor a big deal to add one, especially if someone
provides a patch. I find it strange at best, if someone ships menu files
for other packages but refuses to accept patches for another one.

Currently menu files are still recommended by the Policy. This will
change with the next Policy revision. See also


I completely agree with the outcome of this discussion. Desktop files
should be recommended and also provided by all games packages. Menu
files can still be supplied though. I'm convinced that menu files are
still useful for users of lightweight desktop environments who prefer to
install single window managers without all that GNOME or KDE clutter.
Since we are very close to support Debian's menu system in all team
maintained packages, and since it is a rather easy goal, I think it is
still worthwhile to work on it because the menu system won't go away for
Jessie and most likely for Jessie+1 too.

If someone doesn't like menu files or icons, then that's no problem at
all. There are plenty of opportunities to add desktop files and icons to
other games packages.


> On the other hand, integrating non-conforming
> packages with the Debian menu system doesn't do any harm either. The
> end result is that I don't care enough about that particular release
> goal to prioritize it over the other things on my todo list, hence I
> don't spend time on it

Fair enough. However if everyone is indifferent at the same time about
one single and simple goal, we should stop calling it a team goal.

> With all that being said, I hope this doesn't discourage you. Debian
> is in many ways a do-ocracy...if you want something done (and it
> doesn't annoy a significant amount of people), and nobody else cares
> enough to do it themselves nor can you convince them that it's worth
> spending time on, just go ahead and get it done yourself.

I don't regret filing all those bug reports and would do it again. A
bunch of packages got already fixed by various people. Thanks!

I just don't want to put more energy in this "let's do it
together"-goal, if the efficiency factor is virtually zero.


[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-games/2013/07/msg00009.html
[2] https://wiki.debian.org/Games/Meetings/2013-08-17

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