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Re: Next Games Team Meeting

Hi everyone,

On Thu, Jul 4, 2013 at 1:06 PM, Markus Koschany <apo@gambaru.de> wrote:

> I suggest to aim for a meeting at the end of July or sometime in August
> preferably at the weekend and at a time when it is likely that most
> members and interested people can attend it. (12am UTC?)

Judging by past IRC meetings (often held 10-12 UTC), I'm probably not
going to be able to make it to this one, and nor am I likely going to
be able to attend Debconf anytime in the near future (I won't be
travelling at all, except for perhaps if I take up a co-op position /
internship outside of where I live), so I'm going to go ahead and
throw in some of my thoughts right now.

> 1. New member recruitment
> 2. Release goal for Jessie
> 3. Debian Games Pure Blend
> I think we should continue where the last meeting ended: recruitment

I think that new member recruitment takes priority over everything
else; lack of manpower and resources is what I perceive to be a
pressing issue for most teams within Debian, and the Games team is no
exception. In particular, as a non-DD, I think that the sponsorship
system that's currently in place isn't working as well as it should
be. I've personally given up on using debian-mentors and the Games
team's sponsor queue (I think the last time I've even bothered with
either of them as a means to get my packages in Debian was over a year
ago), because waiting for months on end for package sponsorship is
discouraging to say the least. The one thing that works more often
than not is to prod and poke at individual DDs in private until you
get your packages uploaded, but that more or less defeats the purpose
of resources like debian-mentors.

We need initiatives like Debian Med's MoM [1], otherwise we're just
going to face a lack of manpower and resources indefinitely, as long
as it's more hassle to get your work in Debian than it is to actually
do the work itself.

> - Every game shall have an icon which looks good even on Gnome 3.
> - Every game shall have a desktop and menu file.
> - Every game shall have a man page.

Just a few more things off the top of my head:
- screenshots
- debtags
- improve the quality of existing desktop files, man pages, etc,
through the use of desktop-file-validate, adding missing Keywords,
fixing spelling errors in man pages pointed out by lintian, etc.
- pulling in patches from Ubuntu (forwarding them upstream whenever
possible) and minimizing the diff between games packages in Debian and

> We need to identify those packages first, file a bug report and then ask
> other people to work on it. I bet a lot of people would like to see a
> new or better icon, man page or desktop file but they don't know how to
> approach us. So the steps are:
> 1. Identify the affected packages, file bugs for them.
> 2. Write documentation how to fix them.
> 3. Ask the community to fix them.
> 4. Apply the patches and upload.
> 5. Evaluation.

We've had similar initiatives, e.g in the form of "gift" tags [2], but
that never seemed to have taken off.


[1] https://wiki.debian.org/DebianMed/MoM
[2] https://wiki.debian.org/qa.debian.org/GiftTag

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