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Next Games Team Meeting

Hi all,

Paul Wise asked me if I am interested in organizing the next Games Team
meeting [1], I said yes and here i am.

So far the team has used doodle to organize this IRC event. Does anybody
know a free replacement tool for doodle, something that can help us in
finding a meeting date?

I suggest to aim for a meeting at the end of July or sometime in August
preferably at the weekend and at a time when it is likely that most
members and interested people can attend it. (12am UTC?)

The last meeting was almost two years ago. I skimmed through the old IRC
logs to get a feel for how those meetings are meant to be and to find
out what they tried to achieve. So it looks like that most of my initial
thoughts have been already brought up for discussion in the past. There
was no lack of good proposals but almost none of them got implemented or

My proposals for an agenda (everyone should reply with more suggestions)

1. New member recruitment
2. Release goal for Jessie
3. Debian Games Pure Blend

I think we should continue where the last meeting ended: recruitment

Basically recruitment is an ongoing process. Speaking from the point of
view of a newcomer who had been reading this list for more than a year
before he finally decided to join, i think the whole team could be more
relaxed about certain issues. I completely understand that everyone
follows his or her own agenda but i think everyone could improve the
situation by being more inviting. This team has surely the greatest
potential of all Debian teams to be attractive even for non-technical
folks and we should aim for making it fun and cool for everybody.

Here are some ideas: (more input needed)

1. Advertise the team at games forums
   Every maintainer of a game or library that use some kind of public
   internet forum can call for some attention and invite people to join
   the team.
2. Ask people who develop or play free software games to join
   #debian-games and debian-devel-games.
3. Make [2] a reality and try to improve certain aspects of Debian
   games with the help of the community.
4. All game members should describe their actual interest in the team
   somewhere. Who is who and who wants to see certain goals
   accomplished. Who would sponsor new games? Who is only interested
   in bug fixing or certain games? Who intends to be a supporter? Who
   can motivate other Debian developers to help out with sponsoring
   bug fixes?

I suggest that we define a doable release goal for Jessie. I believe it
should be a goal that is concrete, measurable and easy to implement and
does not require a lot of expertise. I think of:

- Every game shall have an icon which looks good even on Gnome 3.
- Every game shall have a desktop and menu file.
- Every game shall have a man page.

We need to identify those packages first, file a bug report and then ask
other people to work on it. I bet a lot of people would like to see a
new or better icon, man page or desktop file but they don't know how to
approach us. So the steps are:

1. Identify the affected packages, file bugs for them.
2. Write documentation how to fix them.
3. Ask the community to fix them.
4. Apply the patches and upload.
5. Evaluation.

I will focus on my last point in the second half of the year, the Debian
Games Pure Blend project [3]. I think it goes hand in hand with the
other two proposals because it aims to be a place to discover all Debian
related games. We will get meta packages of games for free which will
also lead us to a Debian Games Live CD/USB release. I would like to talk
more about it at the meeting.

In short:

- Meeting scheduled for July or August. (shall last between 60 and 90
- We have to find a date for the meeting.
- We need an agenda. Everyone should propose three topics.
- Keep it simple, keep it fun.




[1] https://wiki.debian.org/Games/Meetings
[2] https://wiki.debian.org/Games/Parties
[3] http://blends.alioth.debian.org/games/tasks/

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