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SDL games not restoring the previous multi-head setup

> I've had enough problems with games (usually SDL-using ones) starting in
> full-screen mode then NOT RESTORING THE PREVIOUS SETUP ON EXIT, effectively
> switching from multi-head to single-head, such that my answer to this is:
>    _   _  ___  _ 
>   | \ | |/ _ \| |
>   |  \| | | | | |
>   | |\  | |_| |_|
>   |_| \_|\___/(_)
> Yes, it's trivially fixable with xrandr (and I have a shell script for that),
> but then I usually still need to move windows back to where I want them.
> I shouldn't need to do that.

As a co maintainer of a SDL program starting fill screen by default, the
mame arcade emulator, I would like to have your feed back on that one.

If you start mame and then exit it, does it breaks your multi head setup
? If yes then I would change the default startup mode to windowed mode.
I don't have a multi head set up to test.



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