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Re: Quake packaging [Re: Debian Games Team Policy]

I demand that David Banks may or may not have written...

> On 25/05/11 15:53, Simon McVittie wrote:
>> You only need a second layer of shell wrapper in the engine package if
>> Quake 1 engines are not generally command-line-compatible with each
>> other, or with the original id Software Quake 1 engine.

> It seems from a rough survey that most engines are broadly command line
> compatible, at least far enough to get the game working consistently. Side
> question: would you say the game should launch in fullscreen by default?

I've had enough problems with games (usually SDL-using ones) starting in
full-screen mode then NOT RESTORING THE PREVIOUS SETUP ON EXIT, effectively
switching from multi-head to single-head, such that my answer to this is:
   _   _  ___  _ 
  | \ | |/ _ \| |
  |  \| | | | | |
  | |\  | |_| |_|
  |_| \_|\___/(_)

Yes, it's trivially fixable with xrandr (and I have a shell script for that),
but then I usually still need to move windows back to where I want them.

I shouldn't need to do that.

> Is it worth enforcing consistency on that?


| Darren Salt  | linux or ds at  | nr. Ashington, |  _  ASCII ribbon
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Have you locked your file cabinet?

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