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Bits from the DPL -- January to mid-March 2015


Here are some notes worth mentioning on d-d-a, covering stuff that
happened recently.

- Deadline for DebConf sponsorship next week!
- Outreachy and GSOC participation -- call for applicants (deadline soon!)
- Hosting offers for Debian development
- Call for help: partners program
- Paul Tagliamonte elected to the OSI board of directors
- DPL election
- Delegations and appointments
- Assets
- DPL TO-DO List & day-to-day log

Deadline for DebConf15 sponsorship next week!

The deadline for applying for sponsored food, accommodation or travel for
DebConf15 is 2015-03-29 (= next Sunday!)[1]. DebConf is a very important
event for Debian, and every Debian contributor should feel welcome to
request sponsorship if needed. So please don't be shy, and make it the
DebConf team's and the DPL's problem to enable you to come! It is also a
good idea to ensure that the new contributors (and future stars!) in your
teams are aware of this.

Also note that there was a separate call for Sprints[2] during DebCamp.
Deadline: 2015-04-30.

In other news, I've been involved in discussions about the DebConf budget,
which is clearly on the right track to be approved very soon. Kudos go to
the DebConf team for their awesome work!

[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2015/03/msg00000.html
[2] https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2015/02/msg00009.html

Outreachy and GSOC participation -- call for applicants (deadline soon!)

Debian is participating again in Outreachy and Google Summer of Code.
Outreachy[1] is the successor of the Outreach Program for Women, with the
goal of expanding to engage people from various underrepresented groups, and
is now organized by the Software Freedom Conservancy. Outreachy is open to women
(cis and trans), trans men, genderqueer people, and all participants of the
Ascend Project[2] regardless of gender.

Deadlines for applying as a participant:
GSOC: 2015-03-24
Outreachy: 2015-03-27
There's more info in [3], and on the list of project proposals[4].

[1] https://www.gnome.org/outreachy/
[2] http://ascendproject.org/about/index.html
[3] http://blog.olasd.eu/2015/03/debian-welcomes-applicants-for-outreachy-and-gsoc-summer-2015/
[4] https://wiki.debian.org/SummerOfCode2015/Projects

Hosting offers for Debian development

I gathered offers from several hosting providers that are willing to
provide resources to support Debian development. More info in [1].
Since the initial announcement that included Gandi, GPLHost and Rackspace,
two other providers (ByteMark and DigitalOcean) joined the list[2].

[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2015/02/msg00012.html
[2] https://wiki.debian.org/ServicesHosting

Call for help: partners program

Debian has a partners program (see https://www.debian.org/partners/).
It is used to thank and advertise organizations that are supporting or
helping us. Unfortunately, due to lack of time of the people that used to
be involved, the partners@ team has not been able to keep up with addition
requests. If you are interested in helping with fixing and modernizing
this program, please read the CFH[1]. There are already two volunteers,
but one or two more would be very helpful!

[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2015/02/msg00070.html

Paul Tagliamonte elected to the OSI board of directors

After being nominated by Debian, Paul Tagliamonte[1] has been elected to
an "affiliates" seat of the Open Source Initiative board of directions.
Congrats, Paul!

[1] http://osi.xwiki.com/bin/OSI+Board+of+Directors/Tagliamonte2015

DPL election

it's probably obvious by now, but back in February in announced that
I would not run for re-election[1]. There was also an interesting
discussion about what one expects from a DPL[2]. The campaign is now
ongoing[3], with discussions happenining on -vote@[4].

[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-vote/2015/02/msg00001.html
[2] https://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2015/02/msg00039.html
[3] https://www.debian.org/vote/2015/vote_001
[4] https://lists.debian.org/debian-vote/

Delegations and appointments

+ Project secretary (re)appointment

+ Updating the delegation for the Debian System Administrators (DSA)

+ Delegation for the trademark team

+ Technical committee appointments

+ Updating the New Members Front Desk delegation


Sprints and conferences
+ Debian Ruby Sprint in April 2015. 3120€
+ Debian groupware meeting in April 2015. 600€
+ Debian Perl Sprint in May 2015. 2715€

Hardware (DSA)
+ Warranty pack for franck.d.o. CAD$407.91
+ Replacement hard drive for the storage array at UBCECE. CAD$281.79

Hardware (non-DSA)


DPL TO-DO List & day-to-day log

My TO-DO list is available at https://people.debian.org/~lucas/todo.txt

As usual, my day-to-day log of DPL activities is available on

 - Lucas

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