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Re: Debian GNU/Linux (kfreebsd anyone?) Lenny Desktop wishlist thread

On 4/12/07, Luis Matos <a26652@alunos.mec.ua.pt> wrote:
Qui, 2007-04-12 às 21:17 -0300, Gustavo Franco escreveu:

> * ltsp: We need to work to make sure that the installer will contain a
> polished ltsp-client-builder udeb and the user will be able to select
> "desktop environment" and "thin(fat, whatever) client server" and end
> with a system able to provide our desktop environment for these
> clients. This is harder than you think due to dhcp and nfs servers
> lack of preseeding support. Shame on me, since I'm one of the pkg-ltsp
> founders. I'll do my best to prepare patches and send them atached to
> the bug reports.

Here i have a bigger word to say.
Debian targeted users are mainly companies, or even small business, so,
i think we could provide a set of tasks that coul easilly set up an
enterprise environment with desktops and a main server.

We're ok for a lot of use cases here. You can install multiple Debian
Desktops and easily setup a dns server and/or web server. New tasks
(and its contents in terms of packages) to cover others use cases is

In many comanies that use linux, set up a small shared user database and
set up shared folders and info is quite hard.

We at debian-desktop should provide a task that is oriented for
enterprise desktop. I don't really say that it should be too diferent
from the main desktop task, but have libpam-ldap and other productivity

Also a ldap server task should be added to perform the server side.

I really think debian has a few cards to show in enterprises, so let's
get it better.

You're right, but before polish Debian Desktop tasks to be 'Debian
Enterprise Server' aware, we need the second at least in the plans. In
terms of LDAP authentication, it would be good to add such packages
and make sure that the admin can change from regular authentication to
authenticate that desktop through LDAP even if the LDAP server is
running OpenLDAP or Fedora Directory Server in other distribution. To
add this feature we need at least libpam-ldap and a GUI tool to make
the switch. Do you have something in mind for the job?

Talking about the 'shared folders' thing, GNOME has the
Places->Network Servers and Places->Connect to Server. Aren't this
enough? I'm into a mixed environment and it 'just works', I can see
the 'windows network', authenticate and download from their shares.
Actually, I think we lack the ability to the user share through samba
or webdav (remember that apache is overkill here). AFAIK, KDE is in
the same state and Xfce i dunno. Comments?

> * menu system: The Debian menu system needs to be reviewed for both
> GNOME, KDE, Xfce usage and what to do to not break others WMs.
> * website and wiki: I need help with wiki articles general cleanup and
> website maintenance. The website needs to contain more general
> information on how to download and use Debian Desktop, Etch
> screenshots (GNOME, KDE and Xfce in action). The wiki should be our
> dashboard and contains our todo, wishlists and some more stuff that
> can be english-only.

agreed. This weekend i'll submit some.

It would be better cleanup first and work on the 'clean room' for
adding Lenny related content, IMHO.

-- stratus

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