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Re: Debian GNU/Linux (kfreebsd anyone?) Lenny Desktop wishlist thread

On 4/13/07, André Luiz Rodrigues Ferreira <andrelrf@gmail.com> wrote:

2007/4/12, Gustavo Franco <stratus@debian.org>:
> Hi list,
>  (...)
> * Automount known partitions: People dual booting complained to me
> that after installing Debian on their desktops/laptops their previous
> systems weren't mounted.

This is easy. Could be implemented in desktop-base package?
We use it in Debian-BR-CDD project. One script detect these partitions and
mount in installation.

I can help you with it...

Sounds great, could you please start a new thread and explain briefly
how these scripts are working in Debian-BR-CDD ? I'm sure that we
shouldn't add them into desktop-base though, since the user can decide
remove the automount feature (and the package) but keep with the
default artwork. Let us keep desktop-base for artwork and strict
related stuff and prepare a new source package.

> * debian-moreblue update contest: I would like to setup a contest to a
> debian-moreblue update. We don't need something 200% new, but just
> people that wants to tweak the theme for Lenny. (btw, thanks Andre for
> the work to Etch)

I'm happy in help... :D
I created (waiting approval) the Debian Artwork project in Alioth. The idea
is use the CCHost (used by OpenClipart Project) for this contest and artwork
Debian Artwork would be a place for high quality artwork and themes for the
Debian Desktop.
The idea is use for contest, creating an archive of user contributed artwork
that can be freely used.
All themes and artwork are tested and moderated to ensure a high standard of
quality and to make certain they work.
These works will be used for the Debian Desktop team in his packages.

How about this ?

Sounds great except for the CCHost licensing issues. :( Anyway, please
make sure that the artwork submitted won't be tainted by CC non-free
license, if in doubt ask here or in debian-legal mailing list. I'm
looking forward for the goodies from the Debian Artwork project.

-- stratus

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