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Re: Debian MoreBlue GDM Theme (new version)

On Fri, 2006-12-08 at 17:39 -0200, Gustavo Franco wrote:
> This isn't only a theme. We're talking about the finishing touches in
> the debian-desktop artwork related stuff for our upcoming release:
> Etch. It involves pkg-gnome, pkg-kde and pkg-xfce members. ;)

Yes, of course. I simply wanted to express how impressed I am by the
polish in the Debian desktop. :)

> > Why is the "language_button" named "Options"? In all my other themes it
> > is clearly named "Language"
> >
> > Is it possible to make the option buttons in the lower part of the
> > screen a little clearer. Bright text on a bright background can be a bit
> > hard to read in some environments and if you have bad eyesight. Perhaps
> > the text can be bold, maybe there can be a darker shade below the text?
> >
> > I also suggest putting some icons in front of the options for clarity,
> > the ones from Fedora Core DNA theme might be good.
> I can't see that, but maybe Andre could come up w/ something or you?

Having taken a look in the XML configuration, it looks like
debian-moreblue provides its own translations. Not being really
knowledgeable about gdm, I'm curios about the reason for this.

At least for the "Options" button, the theme provides only a handful of
translations. Most (if not all) of my other themes simply uses the stock
messages (and translations) from gdm. This also provides the correct
keyboard shortcuts. I have attached a patch (for the theme version in
the gdm package) removing the translations in the theme and using the
ones from gdm.

As for the icons and bold text mentioned before, I have made adjustments
in the theme for this. Here's a screenshot,

Does this look acceptable?

Sven Arvidsson
PGP Key ID 760BDD22

diff -rup /home/sa/debian-moreblue/debian-moreblue.xml ./debian-moreblue.xml
--- /home/sa/debian-moreblue/debian-moreblue.xml	2006-12-10 18:23:33.000000000 +0100
+++ ./debian-moreblue.xml	2006-12-10 18:34:38.000000000 +0100
@@ -43,27 +43,7 @@
 		<prelight color="#BBBBBB" font="Sans 12"/>
 		<active color="#bbbbbb" font="Sans 12"/>
 	        <pos y="50%" anchor="w"/>	
-	        <text>Option</text>
-		<text xml:lang="ca">Opci&#xF3;</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="cs">Mo&#x17E;nosti</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="da">Indstillinger</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="es">Opci&#xF3;n</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="et">Valikud</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="fi">Valinta</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="fr">Option</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="ko">&#xC635;&#xC158;</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="lt">Parinktis</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="ms">Opsyen</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="nl">Optie</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="no">Alternativ</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="pl">Opcja</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="pt">Op&#xE7;&#xE3;o</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="pt_BR">Op&#xE7;&#xE3;o</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="sk">Mo&#x17E;nos&#x165;</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="sl">Mo&#x17E;nost</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="sv">Alternativ</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="vi">T&#xF9;y ch&#x1ECD;n</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="zh_TW">&#x9078;&#x9805;</text>
+		<stock type="language" />
@@ -82,44 +62,7 @@
 		<prelight color="#BBBBBB" font="Sans 12"/>
 		<active color="#bbbbbb" font="Sans 12"/>
 	        <pos y="50%" anchor="w"/>
-	        <text>Session</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="az">Iclas</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="ca">Sessi&#xF3;</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="cs">Sezen&#xED;</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="da">Session</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="de">Sitzung</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="el">&#x3A3;&#x3C5;&#x3BD;&#x3B5;&#x3B4;&#x3C1;&#x3AF;&#x3B1;</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="es">Sesi&#xF3;n</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="et">Sessioon</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="eu">Saioa</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="fi">Istunto</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="fr">Session</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="ga">Seisi&#xFA;n</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="gl">Sesi&#xF3;n</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="hu">Munkafolyamat</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="it">Sessione</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="ja">&#x30BB;&#x30C3;&#x30B7;&#x30E7;&#x30F3;</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="ko">&#xC138;&#xC158;</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="lt">Sesija</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="lv">Sesija</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="ms">Sesi</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="nl">Sessie</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="nn">&#xD8;kt</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="no">Sesjon</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="pl">Typ sesji</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="pt">Sess&#xE3;o</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="pt_BR">Sess&#xF5;es</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="ro">Sesiune</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="ru">&#x421;&#x435;&#x430;&#x43D;&#x441;</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="sk">Sedenie</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="sl">Seja</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="sv">Session</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="ta">&#xAB;&#xC1;&#xF7;&#xD7;</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="tr">Oturum</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="uk">&#x421;&#x435;&#x430;&#x43D;&#x441;</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="vi">Session</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="zh_CN">&#x4F1A;&#x8BDD;</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="zh_TW">&#x4F5C;&#x696D;&#x968E;&#x6BB5;</text>
+		<stock type="session" />
@@ -139,44 +82,7 @@
 		<prelight color="#BBBBBB" font="Sans 12"/>
 		<active color="#bbbbbb" font="Sans 12"/>
 	        <pos y="50%" anchor="w"/>
-	        <text>System</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="az">Sistem</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="ca">Sistema</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="cs">Syst&#xE9;m</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="da">System</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="de">System</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="el">&#x3A3;&#x3CD;&#x3C3;&#x3C4;&#x3B7;&#x3BC;&#x3B1;</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="es">Sistema</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="et">S&#xFC;steem</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="eu">Sistema</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="fi">J&#xE4;rjestelm&#xE4;</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="fr">Syst&#xE8;me</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="ga">Cor&#xE1;s</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="gl">Sistema</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="hu">Rendszer</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="it">Sistema</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="ja">&#x30B7;&#x30B9;&#x30C6;&#x30E0;</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="ko">&#xC2DC;&#xC2A4;&#xD15C;</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="lt">Sistema</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="lv">Sist&#x113;ma</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="ms">Sistem</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="nl">Systeem</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="nn">System</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="no">System</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="pl">Systemowe</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="pt">Sistema</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="pt_BR">Sistema</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="ro">Sistem</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="ru">&#x421;&#x438;&#x441;&#x442;&#x435;&#x43C;&#x430;</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="sk">Syst&#xE9;m</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="sl">Sistem</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="sv">System</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="ta">&#xAB;&#xA8;&#xC1;&#xF4;&#xD2;</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="tr">Sistem</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="uk">&#x421;&#x438;&#x441;&#x442;&#x435;&#x43C;&#x430;</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="vi">H&#x1EC7; th&#x1ED1;ng</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="zh_CN">&#x7CFB;&#x7EDF;</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="zh_TW">&#x7CFB;&#x7D71;</text>
+		<stock type="system"/>
@@ -196,80 +102,15 @@
 		<prelight color="#666666" font="Sans 12"/>
 		<active color="#bbbbbb" font="Sans 12"/>
 	        <pos y="50%" anchor="w"/>
-	        <text>Disconnect</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="az">Ba&#x11F;lant&#x131;n&#x131; k&#x259;s</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="ca">Desconnecta</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="cs">Odpojit se</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="da">Frakobl</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="es">Desconectar</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="et">Lahuta &#xFC;hendus</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="eu">Deskonektatu</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="fi">Katkaise yhteys</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="fr">D&#xE9;connecter</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="gl">Desconectar</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="it">Disconnetti</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="ja">&#x63A5;&#x7D9A;&#x5207;&#x65AD;</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="ko">&#xC5F0;&#xACB0; &#xD574;&#xC81C;</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="lt">Atsijungti</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="lv">Atsl&#x113;gties</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="ms">Putus</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="nl">Verbreek verbinding</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="nn">Kople fr&#xE5;</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="no">Koble fra</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="pl">Roz&#x142;&#x105;cz</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="pt">Desligar</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="pt_BR">Desconectar</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="ro">Deconecteaz&#x103;</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="ru">&#x41E;&#x442;&#x43A;&#x43B;&#x44E;&#x447;&#x438;&#x442;&#x44C;&#x441;&#x44F;</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="sk">Odpoji&#x165;</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="sl">Odklopi se</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="sv">Koppla fr&#xE5;n</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="uk">&#x412;&#x456;&#x434;'&#x454;&#x434;&#x43D;&#x430;&#x442;&#x438;&#x441;&#x44C;</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="vi">Ng&#x1EAF;t k&#x1EBF;t n&#x1ED1;i</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="zh_CN">&#x65AD;&#x5F00;&#x8FDE;&#x63A5;</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="zh_TW">&#x4E2D;&#x65B7;&#x9023;&#x7DDA;</text>
 	        <show modes="remote"/>
+		<stock type="disconnect"/>
 	      <item type="label">
 	        <normal color="#FFFFFF" font="Sans 12"/>
 		<prelight color="#BBBBBB" font="Sans 12"/>
 		<active color="#bbbbbb" font="Sans 12"/>
 	        <pos y="50%" anchor="w"/>
-	        <text>Quit</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="az">&#xC7;&#x131;x</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="ca">Surt</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="cs">Konec</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="da">Afslut</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="de">Beenden</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="es">Salir</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="et">L&#xF5;peta</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="eu">Irten</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="fi">Lopeta</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="fr">Quitter</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="gl">Sa&#xED;r</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="hu">Kil&#xE9;p&#xE9;s</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="it">Esci</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="ja">&#x7D42;&#x4E86;</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="ko">&#xB05D;&#xB0B4;&#xAE30;</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="lt">I&#x161;eiti</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="lv">Iziet</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="ms">Keluar</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="nl">Afsluiten</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="nn">Avslutt</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="no">Avslutt</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="pl">Zako&#x144;cz</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="pt">Sair</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="pt_BR">Sair</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="ro">Renun&#x163;&#x103;</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="ru">&#x412;&#x44B;&#x439;&#x442;&#x438;</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="sk">Koniec</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="sl">Izhod</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="sv">Avsluta</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="tr">&#xC7;&#x131;k</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="uk">&#x412;&#x438;&#x439;&#x442;&#x438;</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="vi">Tho&#xE1;t</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="zh_CN">&#x9000;&#x51FA;</text>
-	        <text xml:lang="zh_TW">&#x96E2;&#x958B;</text>
+		<stock type="quit"/>
 	        <show modes="flexi"/>

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