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Re: Getting NEW packages into Debian first

On Jun 28, 2011, at 05:46 PM, Paul Wise wrote:

>On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 10:12 AM, Daniel Holbach wrote:
>> While I think it makes perfect sense to get packages (that are not
>> Ubuntu-specific) into Debian, I just want to make sure that we don't
>> overwhelm Debian sponsors if we point that out as one of our preferred
>> options.
>> What is your take on it?
>Sponsorship resources in Debian are stretched, but I don't think
>derivatives should be special wrt sponsoring, so people who want to
>maintain packages in Debian should seek sponsors, whether or not they
>are also involved with derivatives or if the packages they want in
>Debian are already packaged in derivatives.

Does it at all make sense to consider how to make sync'ing in the
derivative->Debian direction easier?

Yes, Debian has way more resources than Ubuntu.  Yes, new and updated packages
should land first in Debian and follow the normal sync processes to get into
derivatives.  Ideally (IMHO) it would be nice if it mattered less where the
sponsorship happens, and that distros could take better advantage of the work
of the other's community.

For example, Debian and Ubuntu have quite different processes surrounding
package maintenance.  If we say that neither is better than the other, just
different, then it makes sense that some people will prefer one set of
processes and other people will feel more comfortable with another.  If we
could let people use the tools and processes that they like, and we could all
share the output of those respective communities, then we all win.

I have no bright ideas about how to do this though. ;) I also don't think it
has to be 100% solved before any benefits can be gained.  Are there small
steps we could take now to make some parts more of a peer relationship and
improve the collaboration between derivatives?


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