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Re: On the distribution (or not) of pre-made images on the Debian mirrors.

Le Sun, Mar 17, 2013 at 12:44:18AM +0800, Thomas Goirand a écrit :
> On 03/16/2013 11:19 AM, Charles Plessy wrote:
> > For instance, is it possible to do anything useful with a tarball
> > dump as a starting point ?
> I do believe that a tarball of all files of that cloud image
> would be a good starting point yes. For DTC-Xen, which
> I wrote, for example, that's what is used for images.
> What I think has value, is already made .ovf, and A{M,R,K}I
> files because they are what the final user will use, and that
> saves time to not have to build them.

I have not gone through the details of how ec2debian-build-ami works, but it
looks like the much of content of the tarball that one would create from the
images distributed on the Amazon cloud, is actually the product of debootrap.

If this is useful to run Debian on other clouds or to prepare the images you
mentionned, whouldn't it be better to simply distribute a tarball produced by
debootstrap, instead of starting a cloud instance, connect to it, run
debootstrap through ec2debian-build-ami, fetch the contents of the image, make
a tarball, and stop the instance ?

> > Also, we need to think about the possible overlaps and synergies with the
> > distribution of "live" images.
> Could you explain more about this? Are you thinking about live-build?

I never tried "live-build", but I have the impression that if if the goal is to
provide images that can be booted, then the main difference between "cloud" and
"live" is the list of packages installed by default.


Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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