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[RFR] Press release about Debian on public clouds

[please keep me in CC as I'm not subscribed]

Hi all, 

attached the draft of the upcoming press release about
Debian on public clouds: it'd be great if you could review
Particularly, I'd need two things:

 1) the correct links for Amazon and Azure images
 2) a quote from representatives of both Amazon and Azure.

We'd like to send this out next Tuesday (19th) so the text
should be frozen on Saturday (16th) in order to give translators
time to do their job.

Thanks in advance,

for the Debian press team

"Goddamn, another summer in the city and
I never seen a girl look so pretty as you
When you smile oh you're wild for a while
I was hoping I might see you again"
Bandits of the Acoustic Revolution, It's A Wonderful Life
# Status: [open-for-edit]
# $Id: 20130319.wml 4717 2013-03-12 13:25:42Z madamezou $
# $Rev: 4717 $

# provisional title, suggestions welcome!
<define-tag pagetitle>Debian on public clouds</define-tag>

<define-tag release_date>2013-03-19</define-tag>
#use wml::debian::news

## Translators should uncomment the following line and add their name
## Leaving translation at 1.1 is okay; that's the first version which will
## be added to Debian's webwml repository
# ← this one must be removed; not that one → #use wml::debian::translation-check translation="1.1" maintainer=""

As you may know, starting with the upcoming stable release <q>Wheezy</q>,
Debian will <a href="http://www.debian.org/News/2012/20120425";>make
it easier for its users to deploy private clouds</a>.
As a free software project, we care deeply about the freedom of our users
and we recommend to them to run their own private clouds whenever possible.

While we recommend running your own cloud, we do understand that private
cloud it's not an option for many Debian users who, for a variety of reasons,
need to rely on public cloud offerings.
And it is thinking to those users that we decided to offer Debian images
on public clouds.
As for now, those images are available for two populare providers:
<a href="...">Amazon EC2</a> and <a href="...">Microsoft Azure</a>.</p>
## FIXME: ^^^^ links of images

## possible quote from Amazon and Azure people goes here.

The Debian Project does not endorse any specific public cloud rather,
with the help of our community, we would like to support potential
Debian users on a variety of providers, as long as the images could
be made entirely free and built using entirely free tools.
If you want to help, or simply to know more about this effort, you
can subscribe to the <a href="lists.debian.org/debian-cloud">debian-cloud
mailing list</a> and contribute to its activities.
Any bug related to cloud images should be reported against the
<a href="http://bugs.debian.org/cloud.debian.org";><tt>cloud.debian.org</tt>

<h2>About Debian</h2>

The Debian Project was founded in 1993 by Ian Murdock to be a truly
free community project. Since then the project has grown to be one of
the largest and most influential open source projects.  Thousands of
volunteers from all over the world work together to create and
maintain Debian software. Available in 70 languages, and
supporting a huge range of computer types, Debian calls itself the
<q>universal operating system</q>.

<h2>Contact Information</h2>

<p>For further information, please visit the Debian web pages at
<a href="$(HOME)/">http://www.debian.org/</a> or send mail to

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