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Re: [RFR] Press release about Debian on public clouds

On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 01:10:45PM +0800, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> Well, knowing that the hosting company you choose uses free software,
> is a factor for many. The fact that you don't run it yourself because you
> don't have the physical infrastructure to run it is orthogonal to this
> discussion, IMO.
Absolutely, but it was specifically in reference to the news item, not
what Debian will or won't do in the future.  That is actually what this
thread was about.

> > You have to think about the audience, they're already pretty sold on
> > what provider their using;
> How do you know? Amazon tries to spread this word, but I've read
> many polls that shows AWS users are looking at the possibilities
> offered by open source alternatives like Openstack. I'm not saying
> they would switch, but at least, the polls show they aren't that close
> minded.
Because they're looking for AWS images at this point. This first part
solves the 'i want Debian on AWS' problem. It doesn't solve other
problems, but everyone agrees with that. That is the audience of this

> those who did the hard work (eg: Charles and others), but as you
> wroge, they just go where their interest lies, and there's nothing
> I can do about it (but to do some of the work myself).
Which is basically how every sub-project in Debian works, people scratch
their own itches. I'm surprised there isn't already those images.
Again, not relevant though for this press release unless people wanted
to add something about it in.

I'm all for openstack and related software like that, but the focus of
this press release was about the existence of the AMI images.

 - Craig
Craig Small VK2XLZ   http://enc.com.au/          csmall at : enc.com.au
Debian GNU/Linux     http://www.debian.org/      csmall at : debian.org
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