debian-chinese-gb Oct 2000 by thread
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- Where can I get missing LC_COLLATE for broken zh_TW.Big5 locale ? Jason
- 关于dpkg和Netscape id5id5
- jdk 1.2.2 Zombie
- Java1.2.2 + Big5 ?? Zombie Chuang
- After upgrading locale doesn't work jim
- 【转载】CorelLinux的中文套件 Anthony Fok
- ºÃÓʼþ´úÀíÈí¼þ Ben Luo
- glibc 2.2 beta and Chinese locale jamespower
- X-win里重定键盘按键µ淖柿夏抢镎Ò, 我manxmodmap看不大懂 M.L. Tong
- 以root来login进Gnome时的警告讯息怎么关掉 M.L. Tong
- Orphaning libtabe Anthony Wong
- Could not start mozilla M17 Jason
- unable to read Chinese mail in mutt James Power
- pinyin Dan Jacobson=积丹尼
- XCIN Problem James Power
- Where can I setup global locale to zh_TW.Big5 ? Jason
- Chinese displayed in netscape Java applet ? Jason
- Mail gateway test... Anthony Fok
- ÊÇ˵ÄÎÊÌ⣿ Ameng
- [Update] xcin-2.5.2.pre6 thhsieh
- PCMCIA!!???? cloud6982
- ITP: cpanel 0.1.2, Debian Chinese Panel, pkg'd by KAM Tik Anthony Fok
- ITP: hanzim-1.04, Chinese character learning aid, pkg'd by Roger So Anthony Fok
- basic stuff Andrew Shinn
- ¹ØÓÚMBRºÍliloµÄÎÊÌâÇë½Ì£¡ yee
- Can't switch input method for upgraded xcin Jason
- Coventiva(XLinux) PR on a (PATENTED) substitution(?) for UNICODE zhaoway
- ÎÊÒ»¸öÀÏÎÊÌâºÍÒ»¸öÐÂÎÊÌâ shuyong
- Gnome show Chinese edgar
- About ethernet card slog
- what's wrong with my sound card? doodler
- 订阅 guohu
- ¹ØÓÚapt-get Yin Yanyong
- debian guideÎĵµµÄÍ˳ö chenjian72
- about autologout and enlightment chinese edgar
- GB18030 summary and issues (fwd) Thomas Chan
- Netscape problem on glibc 2.2... Isaac Kar-Keung To
- [Draft] Writing i18n apps with glibc 2.2 Roger So
- Çë½Ìϵͳ¸üÐÂÉý¼¶µÄÎÊÌâ Yin Yanyong
- 无法使用truetype字型 廖主席
- Trouble with S3 ViRGE/GX PCI video card gcwen
- Äܲ»Äܸø libc6 2.1.95¼ÓÉÏ gb2312ºÍ big5 locale? Yu Guanghui
- [ [Anno] xcin-2.5.2] Tung-Han Hsieh
- Re: 能不能给 libc6 2.1.95加上gb2312和 big5 locale? thhsieh
- XEmacs Mule : Canna, Wnn, cWnn, kWnn ??? Help, I'm an American building XEmacs for you! Karl M. Hegbloom
- OpenOffice(staroffice)6.05已经有中文支持了 Yu Guanghui
- xcin 2.5.2 has been released ,how to build the deb package? granzi . bbs
- does kde2 and koffice support chinese? Yu Guanghui
- Re: RE: 能不能给 libc6 2.1.95加上gb2312和 bi =?gb2312 adoal
- ÇëÎÊÈçºÎÉèÖÃISPµÄDNS·þÎñÆ÷µØÖ·£¿ doodler
- 我正在包装Chinput & unicon :) Yu Guanghui
- Re: 能不能给 libc6 2.1.95 加上gb2312和 big5 locale? thhsieh
- 在debian中使用linux-virtual-server aahsi
- Re: Re: ÇëÎÊÈçºÎÉèÖÃISPµÄDNS·þÎñÆ÷µØÖ·£¿ doodler
- ¹ØÓÚdebianµÄÉý¼¶Î¬»¤Çë½Ì pangty
- 我投降了,有能在kde2下面用中文的吗? Yu Guanghui
- 邮件列表测试,寄自 -gb Anthony Fok
- 邮件列表测试 Anthony Fok
- Éý¼¶µ½kde2.0-20001016debian°ü,koffice¿ÉÒÔÏÔʾÖÐÎÄÁË Yu Guanghui
- ÎÒ¿ªÊ¼ÕûÀíFAQÁË Yu Guanghui
- test the gateway Yu Guanghui
- Re: 升级到kde2.0-20001016debian包,koffice可以显示中Î牧Ë Yu Guanghui
- ÎÒÖØÐÂÅÅ°æÁËdebian chinese faq,Õâ´ÎºÃ¶àÁË Yu Guanghui
- 测试网关 from gb Yu Guanghui
- Re: How to install POP3 daemon marc
- The glibc-2.2 locale name problem thhsieh
- Could not run a ksh script gcwen
- 如何中文化 chujyt
- FORW: Abiword calls for CJK developers {-- Rot13 - Hateme
- Re: □□涟□逃de2.0-20001016debian□□koffice□臭诳□晔Ä凇踟唷酢酢?essage-Id: <> Yu Guanghui
- ²ÎÓëDebianÖÐÎļƻ® Kenneth Chin
- ¿ªÊ¼·Òëdebian-guideµÚ4Õ Kenneth Chin
- sunscribe alphonse
- RE: ¿ªÊ¼·Òëdebian-guideµÚ4Õ chenjian72
- [no subject] davidjou
- Debian中文计画homepage变乱码? Jonathan Chang
- all chinese wepage broken :( Yu Guanghui
- Re: 可请教一下! thhsieh
- [FWD:] The locale name of Taiwan Tung-Han Hsieh
- 关于 abiword 0.7.10-6 不能显示简体字的问题 kemmy
- How to display Chinese filename? eggice
- [I18n] Simple input methods for X11 available (fwd) gis88564
- RE: 关于 abiword 0.7.10-6 不能显示简体字的问题 VINCENT . KUO 郭文山
- balsa可以看到中文big5吗?? Tou
- Âé·³½«www.debian.orgÉϵÄÖйúdebianÁªÃËÁ´½ÓµØÖ·¸ÄһϠchenjian72
- Re: Netscape 4.76's CJK support... Anthony Fok
- Re: Maybe we don't have a name controversy after all thhsieh
- problem with xcin zhaoway
- English-Chinese glossary translations Kenneth Chin
- announce of patch to support CJK in AW (fwd) Chih-Wei Huang
- debian guideµÄ"shellµÄʹÓÃ" zgas
- debian guide µÄµÚËÄÕÂ"µÇ¼" zgas
- Re: debian-guide µÄµÚËÄÕÂ"µÇ¼" Kenneth Chin
- gpm, X, Logitech天貂Serial滑鼠 armandch
- RE: Re: debian-guide_µÄµÚËÄÕÂ'µÇ¼' chenjian72
- must SMB use lilo to boot linux partitions?? oacl
- 跑gpm时发生了点问Ìâ (fwd) armandch
- netscape oacl
- [Update] xcin- thhsieh
- 如何将pcf字型转回bdf字型? Jonathan Chang
- Problem in NetNews(help me) wen
- How to install ALSA sound driver u860321 phys
- debian新手的两个问题 oacl
- Re: [cle-devel] Re: [cle-devel] 如何将pcf字型转回bdf字型? Jonathan Chang
- about之前的mouse,gpm,X Windows... armandch
- xfs-xtt ,can see the error log? Wan Hing Wah
- xcin doesn't response wujf
- RE: 我已经安装了chinput3.0.1 奇爽无比 Yu Guanghui
- Re: [cle-devel] 如何将pcf字型转回bdf字型? Jonathan Chang
- 安装有问题 ueng
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