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Re: Aaargh - Jigdo MISSING FILES for Etch Weekly Build DVD #3

On Sun, Feb 11, 2007 at 10:05:09AM -0800, Doug wrote:
> I'm a debian noob, so when I restart jigdo, what part of that URL should I 
> give it to search?  I'm guessing this part:
>    http://snapshot.debian.net/archive/2007/01/30/debian/

That /might/ work, but the easiest way IMHO is to download the file 
yourself and to put it in the temporary directory created by jigdo. Jigdo 
will find it there by itself.

> I'm not sure why jigdo fails a lot with missing files.  It says it's trying 
> alternate sources, but eventually it just can't find them. [...]

Actually, the mechanism of an alternate source tends to work quite well, 
but in the case of the images you're trying to download, the problem is 
that the images change every week. Once a new week's "edition" of the 
images is put on the server, the old alternate source (a backup of the 
packages) is also removed, so things tend to break.
This could be fixed by keeping the old backup directory a little longer, 
e.g. 2 weeks in total.

BTW, *please* do not enter snapshot.debian.net as your primary Debian 
mirror from the beginning! Use your nearest mirror first and only switch 
there to get the remaining files. That server does not have the resources 
for the download of lots of DVD images...



  __   _
  |_) /|  Richard Atterer     |  GnuPG key: 888354F7
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