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Re: About jigdo, pre12-14, etc

> > jigdo-easy2win does *not* support relative URLs in the [Image]
> > section, this is where I mixed things up.
> FWIW, the version of jigdo-lite in woody doesn't support relative URLs
> either, so the official CDs should really use absolute URLs.

Well, I suppose there is not much we can do about this, but I think that it
is important to support mirrors of the .template files, otherwise, all the
downloads of .template files, which are the big ones compared to the .jigdo
ones, will go against the original site, unless the mirrors change the .jigdo
files to point to themselves.

What I mean is, if there is no relative urls then either mirrors change the
.jigdos or they are useless.

And one question to end... will jigdo-easy2win and any other ports of jigdo
that don't support relative URLs be upgraded to support them?

Manty/BestiaTester -> http://manty.net

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