About jigdo, pre12-14, etc
Cool, in pre 12-14 are all user-friendly tools, that I mentioned several
times :)
But it won't be good if powerpc loses mc from 1st CD :(
Also I found one problem - in jigdo files there are no md5sum section of
template file. This is pretty bad, because I had to restart jigdo-lite for
few times as it crashed during making iso image and I didn't know why - when
I have moved .template to another place and it was sent one more time - then
everything was ok (I have compared with diff both .template they were
Perhaps, because of that jigdo dispays this warning:
[WARNING - `Template-MD5Sum' missing from image section]
Btw, what are the changes between pre12 and pre14 ? I hasn't noticed any
changes in 1st CD...
Best regards,
Mantas Kriauciunas
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