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Re: Redesign of cdimage website

Richard Atterer <deb-cd@list.atterer.net> writes:

> On Fri, Nov 16, 2001 at 08:24:06AM +0100, Mattias Wadenstein wrote:
> > One thing: Reorder the list so that "Install directly from the
> > network." is the first point, since it is the one we should point
> > most users towards?
> I've already been asked to do this by someone else. But I'm not sure
> whether it should really be the first option:

It should definitely be the first option.

IMO it should be given a status that makes the other options look
almost insignificant.

There would seem to be a deep seated myth among Debian newbies, that
they need a CD to install it.  That's fine for those that really do
need a CD, but for many it would be better to either get the floppies,
or get a small bootstrap CD with just the base system on it, and then
do a network install.

That's the reason for the current maze.

Of course, Jigdo sorts out much of the problem, so perhaps we should
switch to providing only jigdo spec files from woody onwards.

Do you think jigdo is ready for that?

Does jigdo work on windows?

What do people think about not actually having official images of the
CDs, just jigdo specs, and a signed MD5SUM file.

The only problem I see is ensuring that we make sure that the right
.debs remain available from the archive.

Cheers, Phil.
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