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Re: Making a Potato CD

On Wed, 2 Jun 1999 outlyer@stampede.org wrote:

Potato is not far enough into its release cycle for debian_cd to create CD
images - I tried that yesterday.  But it could be used it it was suitably

Question 1.2GB seems a little light.  Have you got slink as well?  There
are a considerable number of symlinks from potato to slink.

What about installing 2.1.r2 (slink) and using your potato archive to
upgrade?  Might be safer.


> Hi,
> I want to make a Potato CD so I can install it to my computer and my laptop. 
> I've already downloaded all 1.2gb of it, so please don't suggest an FTP 
> install. What I want to know is, how can I make a CD of these 1.2gb of files,
> I have no idea how to choose what directories go on which of the two, and 
> when I do, how can I update the Package.gz file to reflect the contents of 
> the CD. I noticed cdimage.debian.org has been down for the past 24 hours, so
> if there is something there, I haven't seen it.
> Thanks for your help,
> Aubin
> -- 
> Never put off till run-time what you can do at compile-time -- D.Gries
> -------------
> outlyer@stampede.org
> --  
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Philip Charles; 39a Paterson St., Abbotsford, New Zealand; +64 3 4882818
I sell Debian GNU/Linux CDs.   See http://www.copyleft.co.nz

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