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Re: NEWS for debian-boot

Michael Schmitz <MSchmitz@lbl.gov> writes:

> Brederlow wrote:

> The question was: are thes icon files, residing on a ISO CD filesystem,
> going
> to work as they would on AFFS? 

They work exactly as on any filesystem. AmigaOS doesn't make one bit
of difference there. (Mention in the readme that with asim-cdfs files
must be executable, which is normaly the case, but can be disabled in
the config).
> I've the icon files Franky used for 2.0, and I don't see a need for others. 

Care must be taken that the executable flags are set on programs,
since copying from affs to ext2 will kill those (or at least did kill
them at one time). Also the path used in the scripts behind the icons
should be relative, so that copying them to a floppy or harddisk
(together with the kernel and loader) won't break them.

But if they worked on 2.0, why should they not work again? AmigaOS
surely hasn't changed. :)

> > The only problem is the large amount of possible bootparameters. There
> > will allways be some config missing.
> KISS (keep it simple, stupid). We're going to use the default parameters,
> which is root=/dev/ram load_ramdisk=1 (and video=keep if that helps
> for Amiga). People in need of specific settings are politely asked to 
> consult the relevant documentation.
> 	Michael

There should be icons for people with gfx boards. It's not that much
work to copy the script and change the video parameter.

If theres only one icon, people with a gfx board will click on it and
wonder why nothing happens. The WB will just stay on screen and
freeze. Even a monitor conected to the Amiga video won't show
anything, because the custom chips won't be initialised.

May the Source be with you.

PS: People never read documentations.

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