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Re: sarge netinst can fill up /v/cache/apt

Jeff Green <jbgreen@frontiernet.net> writes:

> Regarding the "how much is going to download?", I'm not sure anymore
> since at this point it is after the fact. From what I remember it was
> 600+MB. I can do a "df" for you of the current state of the root
> partition for you (minus supplementary partitions).
> Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/hda7             480M  225M  230M  50% /
> tmpfs                 315M     0  315M   0% /dev/shm
> /dev/hda8             5.0G  2.4G  2.4G  50% /usr
> /dev                  480M  225M  230M  50% /.dev
> none                  5.0M  2.7M  2.4M  54% /dev
> I'm a bit unsure as to why that is important... i.e. you said it
> should have checked the size, but then you mention the unpacking (a
> deb at a time? all into the root partition?) might have blown it.

Unpacking goes where the files should end up in. Some packages do have
files in your / partition. The largest is probably the kernel-image.

If you had 600+Mb to download apt should have refused right away,
before downloading any. You only have 230MB free now and it never was
more than 480Mb. I had this size check work in apt several times in
the past so I'm fairly sure it was working before.

> Regarding the squid, I'm assuming set up the squid on my machine. If
> so, how does that save me the download? (You're beginning to wander a
> bit out of my area now, I'm not an "established" sysadmin, i.e. paid,
> just a patchwork admin. Programming languages is more in my area...)

You would have to install squid on a second machine as you can't run
squid and install at the same time. Or you can use plex86 to simulate
a virtual machine and install there.

> jeff


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