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Re: Should we really use countries in languagechooser

On Thu, Dec 25, 2003 at 05:42:26PM +0100, Christian Perrier wrote:

> > Perhaps one possibility is to ask the country question at a lower
> > priority _after_ the language question, if necessary; e.g. we might not
> > need to ask the 'which country' bit for many languages, and it would
> > simplify the language question. This approach was taken in woody, I
> > believe.

> Agreed, but unfortunately lower priority is a problem because of
> portuguese.

> Portuguese speaking people *have* to choose between pt_BR and pt. Both
> are different enough and I guess that neither brazilian folks nor
> portuguese folks would really appreciate that the "other" language is
> the default..:-)

> Anyway, choosing the country is an important enough setting for having
> it at the same priority than language.

For these purposes, I believe Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese should be
considered top-level options, since they're particularly divergent in the
area of computer vocabulary and need independent translations for d-i (as
shown).  Where a user is located is still a distinct question from which
translation they want, even in this case.

> I think that languagechooser should indeed at least forget about the
> country stuff (it clutters up the language selection screen). Each
> language should either have a "default" country, when this default is
> obvious, or none when there is no obvious default.

Certainly agreed.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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