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Re: Problems installing Potato over the network via proxy

>>>>> "DK" == David Kimdon <David_Kimdon@alumni.hmc.edu> writes:
    DK>  cool, I guess that means busybox wget handled the
    DK> username/password pair?  Or did you just omit it?

yup, it handled userid:passwd@proxy.host.com perfectly. It would help a
lot if the info/message panel indicated that "http://"; is automatically
filled-in by the installer script(s).

I recall having lots of problems with the potato b-f when I was trying
to enter in the full Proxy URL ie "http://userid:passwd@proxy.host.com";
and the installer kept failing with messages indicating anything but
the erroneous and duplicate "http://";.

IIRC, the Apt config screens in the second stage install do put the
"http://"; string in the dialog box indicating that only the rest of the
URL has to be filled out.

Whoever thought of using wget in the b-f, feel free to help yourself to
a virtual coke on me!!

Salman Ahmed
ssahmed AT pathcom DOT com

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